The Foundation hosted a Low Tea on the 6th November at Emmanuel Church, Bellville, the purpose of which was to raise funds for the benefit of our families (as is all our fund raising!!)

We have hosted many High Teas in the past, but because of Covid Restrictions we decided to have a LOW tea this year. Instead of one large gathering we held 2 sessions, one morning and one afternoon, each of which catered for 60 people, with 6 people at a table, (delicious) food in a box and coffee/tea in a disposable cup! Our guests were even asked to take their rubbish home with them in order to dispose of it safely, and we had silver paper table “cloths” which we could throw away afterwards!

Guest were asked to wear their “lockdown” slippers and we awarded prizes for the ugliest, the funniest and the cutest slippers. We also had a game where guest dance under a ribbon which was progressively lowered….called “How Low Can you Go”. All had great fun!

Items  were available for sale…Cystinosis Calendars for 2022, Bric-a-brac, paintings and crockery.

The event was very well supported and  a wonderful time was had by all. Everyone really enjoyed being together again after the many months of Covid separation and most importantly, we raised over R18000 (after expenses) due to the generosity of our guests, and we also raised more awareness of the disease with our banner and a short talk by Gail Daniels.

Thank you to everyone who supported us!